Zephyr Troubleshooting


The devicetree is made out of different dts and dtsi files, gets aggregated into a single zephyr.dts file and generates a devicetree_generated.h header with all the definitions used by the DT_ macros.

The build system lists the various overlay files specified by BUILD.py, for example:

-- Found devicetree overlay: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec/zephyr/program/brya/adc.dts
-- Found devicetree overlay: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec/zephyr/program/brya/battery.dts
-- Found devicetree overlay: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec/zephyr/program/brya/cbi_eeprom.dts
-- Found devicetree overlay: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec/zephyr/program/brya/fan.dts

Useful artifacts (always present):

Aggregated devicetree file, after all the overlays, preprocessor and gen_defines.py:


Main devicetree output, flat representation of the tree and various node references, including ordinals of dts_ord_... structs:


For more details see: CMake configuration phase

Node nomenclature

/ {
        a-node {
                subnode_nodelabel: a-sub-node {
                        foo = <3>;
                        label = "SUBNODE";
  • / is the root node
  • a-node and a-sub-node are node names
  • subnode_nodelabel is a nodelabel
  • foo is a property, 3 is the value
  • label is a property, SUBNODE is the value

NOTE: subnode_nodelabel is a nodelabel, label is a label property.

Adding multiple nodelabels

Code can have hardcoded nodelables, so sometimes it's useful to add extra nodelabels to an existing node (referenced by another nodelabel). To do that add an overlay with something similar to:

another_node_label: &subnode_nodelabel {

Undefined reference to __device_dts_ord_...

This happens when some code refer to a device using DT_DEVICE_GET, but the corresponding struct device is not instantiated, either because the driver has not been enabled or because of a devicetree misconfiguration (missing status = "okay").

Quick fix: find what device is causing the issue (look into devicetree_generated.h) enable the corresponding driver (CONFIG_...=y) or fix the devicetree.

Proper fix: find the code referencing to the undefined node, make sure that the corresponding Kconfig option depends on the subsystem being enabled (ADC, I2C...), make sure that the specific platform driver is enabled based on the devicetree (default y and depends on DT_HAS_...).

error: ‘CONFIG_..._LOG_LEVEL’ undeclared

The CONFIG_..._LOG_LEVEL symbols are not defined directly (i.e. there's no Kconfig config ..._LOG_LEVEL), they are generated using the subsys/logging/Kconfig.template.log_config template.

Quick fix: enable the logging subsystem (normally CONFIG_LOG=y CONFIG_LOG_MODE_MINIMAL=y in the project prj.conf), or change the code so that the driver builds without this config.

Fix: make the driver depends on the logging subsystem being enabled (depends on LOG) or change the code to compile with CONFIG_LOG=n.


Sometimes it's useful to run the menuconfig target on a specific project, this can be done with:

ninja -C build/zephyr/$PROJECT/build-ro menuconfig

This exposes all the available options from the various Kconfig fragments and can be useful to validate that config constraints are working correctly.

For example, searching for ^SSHELL$ (using the / key) shows:

Prompt: Shell
Type: bool
Value: y

Symbols currently n-selecting this symbol (no effect):

Symbols currently y-implying this symbol:


Many compiler and linker error are very uninformative if LTO is enabled, for example a missing struct device can show as

/tmp/ccCiGy7c.ltrans0.ltrans.o:(.rodata+0x6a0): undefined reference to `__device_dts_ord_75'

Adding CONFIG_LTO=n to the corresponding prj.conf or building with zmake build <project> -DCONFIG_LTO=n usually results in more useful error messages, for example:

modules/ec/libec_shim.a(adc.c.obj):(.rodata.adc_channels+0x58): undefined reference to `__device_dts_ord_75'

Macro Error Expansion

GCC errors on macros include macro expansion by default. This usually results in a wall of errors that makes it very hard to identify the actual problem. For these situations it's useful to disable macro expansion entirely by setting CONFIG_COMPILER_TRACK_MACRO_EXPANSION=n, for example by building with:


Build artifacts

The buildsystem can be configured to leave the build artifact next to the object files, this is useful to inspect the macro output. To do that use the zmake flag:

zmake build --save-temps $PROJECT

or for unit tests:


This leaves a bunch of .i files in the build/ directory.

For more information see: Look at the preprocessor output.

This is also useful to analyze assembly errors, for example

/tmp/cctFuB4N.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/cctFuB4N.s:1869: Error: missing expression


zephyr/CMakeFiles/zephyr.dir/misc/generated/configs.c.s: Assembler messages:
zephyr/CMakeFiles/zephyr.dir/misc/generated/configs.c.s:1869: Error: missing expression

Statically initialized objects

The zephyr.elf output file can be used with gdb to analyze all the statically allocated structures, for example:

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb build/zephyr/$PROJECT/output/zephyr-ro.elf
(gdb) p fan_config
$1 = {{pwm = {dev = 0x100ad244 <__device_dts_ord_169>, channel = 0, period = 1000000, flags = 0}, tach = 0x100ad43c <__device_dts_ord_172>}}
(gdb) p __device_dts_ord_172.name
$3 = 0x100ba480 "tach@400e1000"

If the symbol has been optimized, try rebuilding with CONFIG_LTO=n.

Using GDB for debugging unit tests

Unit tests running on native_posix produce an executable file that can be rebuilt directly with ninja to save time, and run with GDB to help out debugging. This can be found after a twister run in the twister-out directory. For example:

$ ./twister -v -T zephyr/test/hooks
INFO - 1/1 native_posix hooks.default PASSED (native 0.042s)

# Modify the test code

$ ninja -C twister-out/native_posix/hooks.default
[7/7] Linking C executable zephyr/zephyr.elf

$ ./twister-out/native_posix/hooks.default/zephyr/zephyr.elf

$ gdb ./twister-out/native_posix/hooks.default/zephyr/zephyr.elf
Reading symbols from ./twister-out/native_posix/hooks.default/zephyr/zephyr.elf...
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80568a9: file boards/posix/native_posix/main.c, line 112.
(gdb) run
Starting program: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec/twister-out/native_posix/hooks.default/zephyr/zephyr.elf
Breakpoint 1, main (argc=-17520, argv=0xffffbc24) at boards/posix/native_posix/main.c:112
112             posix_init(argc, argv);

Trouleshooting the initialization sequence

The initlevels cmake target produces a list of the initialization calls as defined in the output ELF file, either via SYS_INIT or DEVICE_DEFINE. This can be useful to identify crashes and regression related to changes in the initialization call order.

The list can be obtained with:

ninja -C build/zephyr/$PROJECT/build-ro initlevels

Potential fixes of init sequence regressions can be either adding BUILD_CHECK to validate the sequence in the appropriate files, or converting SYS_CALL to DEVICE_DT_DEFINE if the dependency is already represented in the device tree.